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Although there is no precise academic argument we can find of why we need to exercise regularly and carefully. The answer, we believe, as to why we have to exercise is because we are a young species that are still close to our hunter-gatherer roots. Our bodies have not yet had time to adjust to the changes in lifestyles from the Industrial revolution that started in the UK some 300 years ago and the electronic revolution we are currently experiencing.
Homo Sapiens are a young species with perhaps only 10,000 generations separating us from one of our earliest forbears Omo 1. The Omo 1 fossil was found in Eastern Africa and dates to some 200,000 years ago. Our ancestors reached Asia about 60,000 years ago (5,000 generations); Europe about 35,000 years ago (2,000 generations); and the Americas about 30,000 years ago or 1,500 generations (although there is some academic discussion on this date). This explanation follows the 'Out of Africa' hypothesis of among others Prof C Stringer. There is now support for this hypothesis from DNA.
In comparison Dinosaurs were one of the dominant species throughout the Mesozoic Era, that is for about 144,000,000 years or if you prefer 7,200 time longer than our 200,000 years.