logo Health Advice



Welcome to our website. Please read our advice below.
Please consult a doctor or health professional:
  • If this is the first time you have exercised or exercised in this manner.

  • If, for whatever reason, your health or ability to exercise changes.

  • If you are on medication or if the medication you are taking is changed.
  • Exercise should be performed at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Pain and discomfort is the bodies warning system and should not be ignored. If you feel pain or discomfort stop and consult a doctor or other health professional.

    It is inadvisable to do classes if you are between 8-14 weeks pregnant or AT LEAST SIX WEEKS after a normal birth. If you have had a ordinary or complicated birth or caserian please consult your doctor or health professional before exercising.


    Before you attend a class we will ask you to fill in a health form. This will enable our instructors to understand any medical conditions that you may have. A pdf copy of this form will be emailed to you before your class.